Real Estate Citation Building: What To Do And What To Avoid

Real Estate Citation Building: What To Do And What To Avoid


For real estate agents, having accurate citations online is crucial. Even the best real estate blog won’t work well if citations are missing or wrong. Your online success as a real estate agent really hangs on building these citation links right. They can determine how many potential clients find you in searches for properties nearby.

In this blog post, we’ll talk about how to build citations effectively and the mistakes you should steer clear of when working on your real estate citations.


  1. Ensuring consistent NAP information across all platforms: It’s crucial for real estate agents to maintain consistent NAP listing(Name, Address, Phone number) information across all platforms and directories to enhance the impact of citation-building efforts. This involves promptly updating any changes in contact details or business location on each platform or directory where a listing exists. Maintaining accuracy in SERP rankings and preventing potential customer confusion when seeking information about properties or services offered is essential.
  2. Claiming existing listings on popular platforms/directories: A highly effective strategy for building citations involves claiming existing listings on popular platforms and directories. Timely claiming of these listings is vital to prevent them from being claimed by others.
  3. Encouraging satisfied clients to leave positive reviews: Positive reviews from satisfied clients not only foster trust with potential customers but also contribute to local prominence. It’s important to monitor and respond to reviews promptly, addressing any concerns or feedback professionally.
  4. Implementing UTM tracking to measure citation impact: While citation management tools can track citation performance to some extent, it’s advisable to implement UTM tracking to measure the influence of citations on website search rankings and traffic. Adding UTM parameters to citation URLs enables analysis of referral traffic and engagement in Google Analytics.


  1. Neglecting consistency in NAP information: Inconsistent NAP information across platforms and directories can confuse search engines and undermine SERP rankings. Moreover, it can erode trust and deter conversions when customers encounter disparities between online information and in-person experiences.
  2. Failing to optimize listings with relevant keywords and descriptions: Each local business listingshould incorporate relevant keywords and accurate descriptions of services to facilitate customer understanding and differentiate from competitors. Without optimization, visibility and contextual information provided to potential customers may be insufficient.
  3. Not claiming existing listings on popular platforms/directories: Failure to claim existing listings on platforms like Google Business Profile or Yelp can result in lost opportunities and potential removal of listings. Optimizing these profiles is essential for online visibility and attracting customers searching for local real estate services.

Get on board with Citations in Real Estate

If you’re a real estate agent looking to amp up your online presence, a reliable citation builder can be your ticket to success. It might sound a bit technical, but trust us, it’s worth the effort. By getting your business listed in the right places online, you’ll boost your visibility and attract more potential customers.

Here at Citations Check, we’ve got you covered with our local citation-building service. We customize our services to fit your specific needs, target audience, location, and the competition in your market. Plus, we keep things totally transparent with detailed reports on our actions and what you’ll gain from working with us.

Real Estate Citation Building: What To Do And What To Avoid

  For real estate agents, having accurate citations online is crucial. Even the best real estate blog won't work well if citations are missing or wrong. Your online success as a real estate…